Art from the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia

Hand Fabricated Jewelry with fine Turquoise from the American southwest.

My wife has told me for a while that I’m a little like a squirrel as far as my attention span goes, but my latest rabbit hole is turquoise and while I’ve been making my own jewelry and cutting my own stones for many years now, I’ve recently fallen in love with Turquoise and I hope you like what I’ve come up with.

Studio Hours

Due to damages sustained during hurricane Helene, we’re not currently maintaining studio hours open to the public, but if you’d like to come by and shop just give a call at 336-648-3022 and we’ll set something up.

The Farmers Market

On Friday mornings you can find us at the Independence Farmers Market where we display pottery, art, plants, and more! We’re there from 9-1 across from the historic courthouse.